Thursday 23 January 2014

Justin Bieber Arrested on Drag Racing, DUI Charges

Justin Bieber was arrested early Thursday morning after leaving a Miami Beach club, accused of drag racing and DUI, police said.
Miami Beach police said Bieber was pulled over for speeding in a yellow Lamborghini and failed a field sobriety test. This is a first-degree misdemeanor, which could get him up to six months in jail and have his license suspended for six months.
But he may be eligible for a program for first-time offenders that recurs the charge to reckless driving, says defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh, who is not involved in this case. Florida has zero tolerance for underage drinkers and if the singer enters a program for first-time offenders Bieber will have to steer clear of all drugs and alcohol.
Miami Beach Police Chief Raymond Martinez told the Miami Herald that Bieber was under the influence of drugs and incoherent. He had his hands in his pockets and resisted arrest without violence, the chief said, adding that the singer didn't have a driver's license. His Georgia license was expired.
Police also stated that he cursed out the arresting officer and allegedly admitted to having beer, marijuana and presciption drugs in his system.
The musician's entourage had apparently used their cars to block traffic on Pine Tree Drive at 26th Street, a residential area, at around 4 a.m., creating a drag strip for Bieber, who was in a Lamborghini, the newspaper reported.
Bieber was at the police station early this morning and was taken to county jail for processing, the Herald reported.
Miami Beach Police Detective Vivian Hernandez added that Bieber cannot be bailed out until after 12 p.m., because of a mandatory 8-hour drying out period after a DUI arrest.
Police also report that the other alleged drag racer, who was racing Bieber in a red Ferrari, was Khalil Amir Shariff and he was also charged with DUI.
The Canadian singer, 19, has faced increasing legal trouble in the past year. He was recently investigated by Los Angeles police after a neighbor accused Bieber of throwing eggs at his house.
Calls to a rep for the singer were not immediately returned.